Swing Bed Services

Our Swing Bed Services help patients transition from hospital to home with Physical Therapy and other skilled nursing services in a caring and comfortable environment.
For More Information, Or To Make An Appointment Call 912-487-5211, Ext. 2522Q: Are “Swing Bed” services right for me?
A: If you are suffering from any of the following and are
unable to safely return home, our Swing Bed program may
be an appropriate option for you:
- Joint replacement
- Vent/Trach weaning
- Orthopedic injury or surgery
- Deconditioning/weakness
- Trauma related injury
- Stroke or other brain injury
- Infection or disease requiring IV antibiotics
- Recent falls or balance deficits
- Difficult wound healing
- Cardiac conditioning
- Respiratory conditioning
- Neuromuscular disorders
Q: What do I need to bring with me?
Comfortable, loose fitting clothes
- Dusters, shorts, pull-over tops, pull-on bottoms,
sweat pants, etc. - Comfortable, light weight shoes with suitable tread
- Socks
- Undergarments
- Toiletries (the basics are provided at admission.
- Any assistive devices or equipment that you currently
use at home - Social services will help provide any items that you
need but do not already have
* Personal items of value are discouraged
Q: How long will I stay?
A: The average length of stay is 10 days. However your length of stay
depends on your progress and participation towards physician led goals.
Q: Will my insurance pay?
A: Most private insurance companies will cover Swing Bed services and
other government funded insurances will often consider coverage based
on prior authorization. Our Swing Bed Coordinator and Case Manager
will verify your benefits and help you understand your personal coverage.
Q: What is a typical day in Swing Bed?
Morning ……………. Bathing, dressing, ADLs
Morning ……………. Breakfast
Morning ……………. Personal time
Morning ……………. AM therapy/ activities
Afternoon ………….. Lunch
Afternoon ………….. PM therapy/activities
Afternoon ………….. Personal time
Evening ……………. Dinner
Evening ……………. Bathing, dressing, ADLs
Evening ……………. Personal time
* ADLs are Activities of Daily Life
Q: Can my family visit me?
A: Yes, of course! Visitors are welcome at any time during the day but are most appreciated during quiet and private times so as not to distract from your progress and participation in therapy. However, if your family wishes to observe your activities or therapies this can be arranged through our nursing or rehabilitation staff.
Q: Who will supervise my Swing Bed care?
A: At Clinch Memorial Hospital, our Swing Bed Services patients are supervised by an interdisciplinary team of physicians, therapists, nurses, dietitians, and social workers. The team will meet regularly with the patient and their family to review progress and work towards the best outcome for the patient. Our highly trained nursing and rehabilitation staff will notify your supervising physician of any change in your condition.